Training Strategy
The objectives of EUnetHTA Joint Action 2, Work Package 2 (WP2) was to “increase awareness and understanding of the usefulness of the EUnetHTA tools, methods and results among EUnetHTA partners and stakeholders”. In order to fulfil this objective, WP2 has organized various training activities during JA2 (i.e. face-to-face training courses, e-learning and webinars). Based on […]
Report on e-learning production
In order to provide the necessary information about the EUnetHTA tools and methods to more partners at a reduced cost compared to the face-to-face training courses, the production of video e-learning material was considered. This report summarises our experience and provides recommendations for the future production of EUnetHTA e-learning material. Report on e-learning production – […]
Report on yearly training courses on EUnetHTA tools and methodology
Since 2006, EUnetHTA has developed several tools and methods to facilitate joint production of HTAs. To implement and make sure the tools and methods are put into practice, Partners and Stakeholders received training in order to know how to utilise them. This report summarises the evaluations of the face-to-face training courses provided by JA2 WP2. […]
Training course for all EUnetHTA Stakeholders, Apr. 23rd, 2015
Presentations from the 3rd face to face training course for EUnetHTA Stakeholders organised by JA2WP2; April 23rd, Brussels. Brief introduction to EUnetHTA and its Tools, Marianne Klemp, NOKC The HTA Core Model® A brief introduction, Anna Nachtnebel, LBI-HTA How to use HTA for decision-making based on HTA Core Information, Anna Nachtnebel, LBI-HTA, Simone Warren, ZIN […]
Training course for all EUnetHTA Stakeholders, Oct. 29th, 2014
EUnetHTA Training Course for Stakeholders, Rome, 29 Oct 2014 Agenda EUnetHTA – The European network for Health Technology Assessment. Marianne Klemp, Research Director, NOKC, Norway See the presentation Key principles of HTA or What is Meant by HTA? Conor Teljeur, HIQA, Ireland See the presentation Introduction to the HTA Core Model® and core HTA information. Kristian Lampe, THL/FINOHTA See […]
Training course for all EUnetHTA Stakeholders, Jan. 16th, 2014
Brussels, 2014-01-16 Agenda Brief introduction to EUnetHTA and its Tools (Finn Børlum Kristensen, DHMA) (see the presentation) HTA Core Model® (Kristian Lampe, THL) (see the presentation) How to use HTA for decision-making (Kristian Lampe, THL) (see the presentation) EUnetHTA methodological guideline on clinical outcomes (Mira Pavlovic, HAS) (see the presentation) How can patients and providers […]